NFT Marketplace Comparison Article

NFT Marketplace Comparison: We Perform an In-depth Research of Top Vendor Offers to Define their Pros & Cons


Perhaps, any industry where you create and sell any type of content can now benefit from NFT trading. We already see how NFT marketplaces become a common phenomenon in such widespread domains as art, fashion, gaming, sports, real estate, metaverse, and others.

And market figures just confirm the above statement; as of Q1 2022, the NFT trading volume reached $7,87 billion, and the market continues to grow. NFTs are the ‘golden mile’ for content creators, with some works being evaluated in billions!

That’s why it’s not a challenge to find an NFT marketplace vendor; rather, there are plenty of vendor offers, yet the most popular ones are white-label NFT marketplaces.

The variety of offers creates enough room for competition. Vendors ‘win over’ consumers in different ways, striving to be creative and genuine. At this point, you, as a business owner, should choose a vendor wisely, otherwise, you may just get lost in a multitude of offers and pick the vendor almost randomly without giving it a second thought.

If this is the case, you risk losing money for the solution that works not the way you wanted (and, most likely, you will find it out only when the solution is ready or at late development stages).

We will not let this happen! After all, you may be new to the NFT space, which makes it especially important to make the right vendor choice. For you, we prepared research that will help you make an informed vendor decision.

For the research, we selected the best vendor offers so far to narrow down your choosing:

  • ChainUp
  • Blockchain App Factory (Script)
  • Netset software
  • AssetfinX (Bitdeal)
  • Vegavid
  • 4irelabs
  • Applify
  • NFTone

Next, we compared them by the following business criteria:

  • Licensing cost
  • Admin panel features
  • Design customization (price & conditions)
  • Functionality customization (price & conditions)
  • Demo availability
  • Delivery timeline
  • Demo-specific features
  • Source code availability
  • License type
  • Infrastructure specifics
  • Supported blockchains

The criteria were selected based on our clients’ most frequent requests. Knowing these criteria, you will know what aspects to pay attention to when choosing a vendor, and define a suitable vendor offer.

Below, you can see a sneak peak of the comparison from our report (mind that you can horizontally scroll it):

NFTone  Script Netset software Bitdeal Vegavid 4irelabs Applify ChainUp
Licensing cost (with/without design customizations) $30,000 (one-time fee), including design customization; no recurring fees $15,000 (one-time fee), without customization $$12,000-24,000, depending on the number of blockchains (up to 3), including rebranding and other design customizations $15,000, including design customizations Starts with $10,000 (one blockchain), including admin panel and UI customizations $$30,000-40,000, depending on the feature set (standard or advanced). 

Partnership program with discounts

$$22,000 – 57,000, depending on the work scope (basic solution without design customizations or advanced solution with design customizations and support) $60,000 (one-time fee), without design customizations
Custom design (price) Custom branding is included in the base price Rebranding and minor enhancements are included in the base price (any other changes shall come at an additional cost) $$20-45 per hour, depending on the type of work (design or development) Custom branding is included in the base price Rebranding and minor enhancements are included in the base price (any other changes shall come at an additional cost) $3,000 for minor customizations (logo, branding) $480/1 man, power/1 day


For more information, you can get the research now, for free!


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