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Metaverse tourism examples are countless already, spreading around hospitality, touring, event management, and other key procedures. Now, it’s your time to attract more customers with your offering and encourage them to stay with your brand for a long time by arranging immersive travel experiences for them.

Metaverse tourism examples are countless, including hospitality, touring, event management, and more. Now, it’s your time to attract more customers and encourage them to stay with your brand for a long time by arranging immersive travel experiences for them.


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Cut onboarding times & rationalize costs with metaverse

Metaverse-enabled onboarding sessions forever change employee training and knowledge sharing! We offer a custom metaverse onboarding solution for your use case.

A real-life simulator for staff training
Immersive data learning & interactive spaces
Online interviews in virtual environments
Interactive showcases of best practices of work
360-degree, virtual on-site tours for tour guides
Online examination by AI assistants

Metaverse tourism solutions for your business

Immersive tours & journeys

Introduce virtual traveling opportunities to users so they could visit any part of the world, any museum, attraction, or destination in the metaverse. Through their journey, users could receive information from virtual assistants and learn it by interacting with the surroundings.

Virtual booking

Streamline the online booking process by allowing users to see and experience hotels and(or) destinations in a virtual environment to make up their purchase decision.

Hospitality platforms

Create a virtual copy of a real-life hotel in the metaverse so that users could enjoy their stay there the same way as offline by renting apartments and engaging in various activities. You can even stimulate their involvement by conducting loyalty programs with NFT rewards!

Interactive guides

Guide users more immersively through their journeys by creating an interactive guide through which they could get information in real-time about tours, nearby destinations and events, available shortcuts, and more.

Virtual events

Conduct public events, such as conferences, meetings, sports competitions, and others online via metaverse! Online, immersive events will allow you to attract a wider audience worldwide and gain traction.

Immersive advertising

Drive better brand awareness of the audience by conducting virtual advertising campaigns that would tell users the brand’s story and show them their offers through interaction and 3D presentation.

Gamified experiences

Build loyalty tiers while engaging more customers to your offerings by conducting games and challenges in the metaverse; by completing those and(or) collecting specific items in the game, travelers could be rewarded with discounts, VIP services, and other perks.

Personalized travels

Create personalized journeys for each traveler by collecting data on their preferences and behavior to tailor travel recommendations to each one.

Immersive education

Use metaverse to conduct efficient on-site training for travelers where they could learn about safety behavior, culture, sustainability, and other important issues in near-real environments and perfectly simulated life situations.

Wayfinding solutions

Provide real-time guidance for travelers who are risking getting lost in unfamiliar surroundings or complex infrastructures with virtual navigation routes replicating real-life ones and virtual assistants that can give voice directions in real-time.

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Tell us about your metaverse travel project, and we’ll provide you with free consultation within one business day. Start building your metaverse in travel today!

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How metaverse and tourism work

We introduce you to Metaverse Rooms, a white-label solution for metaverse in travel industry! With it, you can launch your own meta site and give users new, immersive metaverse travel experiences while encouraging them to interact more with your brand.

It all starts with a user creating their avatar; it can be done by uploading a real-life photo or selecting a randomly generated avatar.

Upon successful login to the metaverse, the user proceeds to a virtual lobby in a travel-related facility or destination (travel agency, hotel, recreation site, or another) of your choice.

At the lobby’s virtual reception, the user can pick the activities they’d like to engage in, be it a) a virtual tour, b) a hotel resort, c) a travel agency to choose a destination, d) a recreational activity of any kind, e) or any other venue you’d request us to add.

Once the activity is chosen, the user enters the corresponding meta room where they can interact with the surroundings and other users.


Metaverse in tourism: applications

  • Virtual journeys

  • Immersive recreation

  • Interactive guide

Virtual journeys

Use case 1. Virtual journeys

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With the rising vacation prices, customers may just turn down a travel agency’s offer; eventually, both sides lose, one loses the client, the other — an opportunity to get new impressions they would long remember.

With metaverse

Arrange virtual tours to any part of the world right in the metaverse so that users could enjoy picturesque views and gain real-life experiences with those without having to carry flight costs and other additional expenses.

Improve with metaverse
Immersive recreation

Use case 2. Immersive recreation

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No matter how respected a tour operator is, the customer is always at risk of being dissatisfied with its services at some point, particularly with the hospitality ones; they agree on the offering on paper and can try it only after the contract has been signed.

With metaverse

Arrange a virtual hotel in the metaverse that the customer could try out before making an actual booking; more, you can arrange the entire hospitality service on the meta site with a variety of recreational activities.

Improve with metaverse
Interactive guide

Use case 3. Interactive guide

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When finding themselves in unfamiliar surroundings, travelers risk getting lost; needless to say, the problems a touring operator will deal with as a result of this incident may even involve the operative intervention of ambassadors.

With metaverse

Guide travelers through any path they take! You can recreate digital copies of real-world routes and destinations in the metaverse where AI-based assistants would provide real-time navigation and even give personalized recommendations on nearby attractions and facilities to visit based on the traveler’s preferences.

Improve with metaverse