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Retail software development services

Order management software

Efficiently manage customer orders across all sales channels through a single solution that automates the major fulfillment procedures end-to-end, including tracking, shipping, and delivery of orders.

Logistics management software

Handle inventories through real-time inventory level analytics, intelligent stock accounting, behavior-based demand predictions, and profit forecasts, to optimize costs and align your distribution plans with business demands.

On-demand delivery tools

Ensure on-time delivery for customers with the right smart solutions for the task! We make delivery processes seamless thanks to automated route planning for deliveries and fleet optimization possibilities.

Retail CRM systems

Request our retail software development services to personalize customer experiences with a B2B retail platform tailored to your business needs and processes, including marketing campaigns, cross-sales, loyalty programs, and more.

Billing and accounting tools

Improve your payment processing workflows with state-of-the-art solutions that enable fast POS transactions, autonomous invoicing, customizable discounts, and support third-party CRM integrations.

Self-checkout software

Provide custom retail software for your self-checkout equipment such as shopping carts, self-service kiosks, and other related systems to enable omnichannel contactless payments.

Loyalty platforms

Build an all-in-one solution for your user engagement programs (including loyalty, referral, and partnership ones) that empowers your program management capabilities with real-time analytics, mobile apps, personalized campaigns, and other features.

Customer engagement solutions

Enhance your in-store services with new customer experiences allowing for a more seamless journey to a purchase; POS apps, chatbots, virtual assistants, personalized cross-sells all serving for successful customer engagement.

Store management systems

Streamline your store management with software solutions that unify POS functions, customer relations, procurement, billing, analytics, space optimization, and other key processes, giving your comprehensive control.

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Custom retail software solutions


Viamond: a distributed logistics management and commodity trading platform

Viamond allows tracing commodity products from their origins to the destination point, with IoT-enabled data collecting through the supply chain. Commodity buyers can make agreements with sellers backed by smart contracts so both rest assured contract obligations will be completed, and buyers can easily verify products’ authenticity before purchasing them.

Shop Eye

Shop Eye: an IoT-based customer analytics solution

‘Shop Eye’ is a universal analytics solution that follows customer journeys across online and brick-and-mortar stores, collecting behavioral data, such as purchases, searches, rebates, and more, and storing it on the blockchain. To perform tracking at physical points of sale, it connects to IoT devices and CCTV cameras and captures records from them, allowing you to get meaningful insights and make more personalized offers.

Shop Eye
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Enhance your retail operations
with blockchain

Empower your retail business with the cutting-edge blockchain technology that makes operations faster yet preserving their efficiency! We achieve that thanks to process transparency, network decentralization, and process automation via smart contracts.

P2P marketplaces

Launch a p2p marketplace solution where users could buy, sell, and exchange goods and services on the blockchain, using crypto-graphy backed digital tokens.

Commodity trading platforms

Streamline commodity trades with a blockchain-based marketplace to bring commodity end-buyers and end-sellers from all over the world in a single network. There, they could make trusted, smart contract-backed agreements and pay in local currency.

Regulatory compliance solutions

Demonstrate compliance with product, data, consumer, and financial regulations across jurisdictions, with transparent audit trails and cryptographic encryption inherent in blockchain.

Fraud detection solutions

Build a supply chain management system for brands and retailers where they could effectively track goods and commodity products at each point of transportation, and back to their origins, thanks to an immutable system of timestamps.

Omnichannel customer views

Automatically collect customer data across points of purchase, securely store it on the immutable blockchain database, and track shopping and purchase activities through connected IoT devices, to personalize purchase offerings for each customer.

Recommerce platforms

Provide brands and shoppers with a distributed solution where businesses could create online stores, and customers could buy and resell purchases on the same online store, that would be authenticated and listed on second-hand marketplaces.


Blockchain applications in retail

  • Customer loyalty

  • Logistical efficiency

  • Consumer privacy

Customer loyalty

Use case 1. Boosting customer loyalty

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With customers’ transactional data dispersed across loyalty programs, retail brands have to continuously collect those, risking to miss something and not properly reward customers.

With blockchain

Access data from various loyalty activities from a distributed blockchain database, with information about all transactions stored in a single digital wallet.

Improve with Blockchain
Logistical efficiency

Use case 2. Increasing logistical efficiency

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Opaque, practically non-traceable supply chains put retailers at risk of distributing counterfeit or damaged products that might affect their reputation along with customer confidence and trust.

With blockchain

Trace condition and provenance data throughout logistics processes, viewing those in real-time, at every step of transportation, up to retailing itself.

Improve with Blockchain
Consumer privacy

Use case 3. Protecting consumer privacy

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Consumer data, such as bank details, health records, or purchase histories, are distributed among siloed, weakly-protected databases, often making hacks a no-brainer.

With blockchain

Put sensitive information onto a single blockchain database, to ensure quick and safe access to immutable insights driving your analytics and marketing decisions.

Improve with Blockchain