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eLearning software development for your business

Learning management systems

Provide full coverage of the learning process while adjusting to unique business needs with a custom LMS to deliver knowledge in any preferred format (games, challenges, exercises, etc.), personalize education experiences, and track performance in real-time.

Learning content management systems

Streamline management of educational content with automated assemblies of educational materials into required format (courses, modules, exercises, topics, etc.), content publishing and scheduling tools, intelligent audience targeting, and reading analytics solutions.

eLearning platforms & portals

Help course organizers promote their services more effectively with a marketplace platform where users can easily find required courses, see course ratings, provide their own feedback, and do a lot more white organizers benefit from real-time process management via dashboards.

Education analytics platforms

Track employee/student engagement across all touchpoints via comprehensive analytics dashboards that present a real-time view of corporate online training’s attendance, course progress, content usage, and other metrics to optimize eLearning procedures.

eLearning creation & authoring solutions

Compose and design your educational content on the go with specialized software solutions that simplify content creation processes with built-in templates, designing features, reusable ‘drag-and-drop’ components, and more.

Virtual classroom solutions

Arrange a virtual substitute for conventional classrooms with customizable 3D environments to serve as classrooms delivering them knowledge they could practice in near-real, simulated use cases by interacting with the surroundings.

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The expertise of our eLearning software developers


Custom Learning Management System

At the client's request, we developed an interactive video streaming solution for online education. It allows arranging training sessions in any format — virtual classrooms, lectures, instructions, etc. — that you can conduct remotely, face-to-face, or in a hybrid fashion. Also, we provided database tools to store educational content in shared repositories and gamification mechanics (contests, quizzes, trivia) to stimulate user engagement.


SmartChain: a marketplace for digital courses

SmartChain is a distributed platform for educators and students with a collection of digital courses on various topics. Vendors can make smart contract-backed agreements with students, track their progress, and provide access to exclusive content upon meeting contract obligations, while students can pay with tokens.


Edutainy: a gamified math learning app

Edutainy is a math learning app that makes education an entertaining process. Using AI algorithms and smart contracts, it offers users to solve tasks and quizzes, based on their skill level and age. Users can complete levels at their own pace and earn rewards for their achievements in the form of tokens.


Certification Storage

At the client’s request, we built a distributed storage solution where educational institutions and students can store records such as diplomas, examinations, tests, certificates, and other documents. Upon KYC-enabled verification, users in a permissioned network can instantly access the required documents, which means credible data for everyone, primarily for institutions that verify student diplomas against counterfeiting.

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eLearning software development company delivers blockchain innovations

Besides delivering innovative eLearning solutions, our eLearning software development company has extensive expertise in blockchain implementation! Enhance your everyday business processes with cutting-edge blockchain technology that brings to the table process security (even in real-time), reliable data decentralization, and process automation via smart contracts.

Certificate storages

Provide an open platform for educational institutions where they could create, issue, and verify digital certificates (academic transcripts, diplomas, credentials, and more) as encrypted blockchain records for easy reviews against falsification.

Knowledge-sharing platforms

Build a decentralized platform where educators could exchange ideas and discuss academic topics on a knowledge-sharing basis, in a trusted environment, backed by smart contracts.

Educational marketplaces

Bring educators, students, and domain experts together on a single marketplace platform for educational courses where students can make smart contract-based agreements with vendors and pay for courses with tokens.

Student records databases

Arrange a blockchain-based database where educational institutions could add relevant student information (achievements, certifications, qualifications, etc.) to consistently maintain immutable records on present students and those who transferred to another institution.

Automated administration solutions

Automate record transfers, amendment, storage, access, and other operations with smart contracts that trigger the corresponding actions upon KYC-enabled verification.

Gamified education apps

Let users learn in entertaining ways by creating a gamified education solution that uses AI algorithms and smart contracts to provide users educational content, based on their interests and learning style, and rewards their achievements with tokens.


Blockchain applications in education

  • Student records

  • Connected devices

  • “Check-ins”

Student records

Use case 1. Sharing student records

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Current databases of educational institutions are mostly vulnerable to hacker attacks, which often results in the interception of sensitive records while data sharing.

With blockchain

Provide a single, distributed database across educational institutions, blockchain-powered, and thus proof against forgery and data thefts.

Improve with Blockchain
Connected devices

Use case 2. Infrastructure security

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With the growing number of connected devices in schools and other educational institutions, the matter of data sharing among other device networks becomes as urgent as never.

With blockchain

Arrange a blockchain-based database for all the connected devices within your organization for secure data sharing between them, protected from outside intrusion.

Improve with Blockchain

Use case 3. Automated “check-ins”

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Teachers have to manually check attendance and assignment completion of each student, which is long, grueling, and prone to human error.

With blockchain

Automate the validation of all student activities with smart contracts; instant check-ins and no cheating since smart contracts are code-dependent and self-executing!

Improve with Blockchain