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Blockchain solutions for loyalty programs from Aetsoft

Loyalty platforms

Launch a DLT-based platform where users could get rewards in the form of fiat, crypto, and other assets for completing activities, with transparent and flexible earning and spending rules.

Community-based portals

Provide users with a new online playground to interact with by building a unique platform where they could earn tokens for completing social activities (likes, shares, reports, and others).

Secure systems

Improve the security of your reward platform through blockchain’s cryptography encryption protected against hacker attacks.

Personalized offers

Arrange highly-targeted loyalty programs based on blockchain’s immutable records of customer identity and behavior.

NFT rewards

Boost customer engagement by conducting contests and other programs with NFTs as rewards. Prompt them to participate by offering special perks and bonuses for NFT holders!

Cost-wise NFT programs

Conduct NFT-based reward programs with lesser costs; use smart contracts to define rules and autonomously trace transactions, without having to spend on system management.

Crypto & fiat integration

Provide automated loyalty payments (payables, collections, receivables, etc.) with a dedicated API, to unlock new revenue drivers.

Crypto wallet integration

Equip yourself with a digital wallet for your tokens, providing secure blockchain storage for users’ digital assets, FDIC-compliant asset insurance, and instant purchases and money swaps.

Crypto exchange integration

Build a next-gen decentralized exchange where users could connect preferable funding methods, trade and exchange earned loyalty points as tokens, and do a lot more.

KYC integration

Add a custom KYC module to the existing loyalty platform to build confidence in customer identity through identity and data verification and fraud detection.

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Blockchain Loyalty Platform for merchants

Unlock the benefits of blockchain-powered loyalty programs with Blockchain Loyalty Platform! Our solution gives you full control over each aspect of your loyalty program, from managing its rules to preventing fraud and rule violation, while you can provide high-value rewards — crypto, fiat, or NFT — to your customers!

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NFT Loyalty Program

Run your own NFT-based loyalty program(s) and engage customers with your brand more effectively — via new, more interactive ways! With our groundbreaking solution, you can set any aspect of your NFT loyalty program, including NFT points’ distribution, pricing model, earning/spending rules, and more, and get insights on how to improve your outcomes with real-time analytics of user behavior.

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Blockchain applications in loyalty programs

  • Program management

  • Transactions

  • Data visibility

Program management

Use case 1. Simple program management

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With a multitude of loyalty programs, each having an individual token as loyalty points, it becomes hard for companies to track transactions in different currencies across those.

With blockchain

Provide a single, encrypted and secure, token for all programs to seamlessly track its usage across multiple programs and allow customers to flexibly use it when switching between programs.

Improve with Blockchain

Use case 2. Secure transactions

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Traditional transactions within loyalty programs are slow and highly insecure; as a result, millennials are most unwilling to join those for transaction fraud and even fund theft concerns.

With blockchain

Ensure fast and safe program-to-customer rewards, with smart contracts initiating payments, instant and self-inclusive, and low chances of fraud due to provided cryptographic encryption.

Improve with Blockchain
Data visibility

Use case 3. Improved data visibility

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33% of millennials dislike loyalty programs for the pile of related cards to carry; for companies, in turn, tracking all data from multiple programs with different tokens, dispersed across fragmented databases, becomes quite a challenge.

With blockchain

Store data, like point usage and customer behavior, from all your loyalty programs in a single, blockchain ledger; distributed among trusted users, it is protected against tampering.

Improve with Blockchain