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Blockchain solutions
for supply chain from Aetsoft

Anti-counterfeiting systems

Provide open, decentralized, and permanent record of products’ authenticity and ownership with immutable blockchain database solutions for supply chain records.

Traceability solutions

Leverage the possibilities of blockchain and IoT to establish end-to-end traceability, allowing producers and distributors to track consignments and prove their safety and quality in real-time.

Supply chain management platforms

Empower parts’ sourcing, tracking, and arrangement with a solution that matches orders to qualified manufacturers to ensure high production standards, protect IP, and secure payments.

Document verification solutions

Provide verified certificates of origin across document trails with blockchain’s permanent record of supply chain history logs.

Smart contract-based tools

Automate various logistics tasks, from verification to transportation approval, traditionally requiring human involvement, with blockchain-enabled smart contracts.

Supply chain security solutions

Protect every piece of data against corruption by using encrypted solutions that make any corruption attempt immediately visible to the entire network.

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OLWay: a blockchain-based solution for supply chain, logistics, and IoT

OLWay is a platform where you can connect with your clients on a decentralized network, store supply-related info in an immutable database, and integrate with IoT sensors for tracking shipping data (temperature, humidity, barometer, luminosity) all the way to the destination.

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RTLS: a part of the OLWay ecosystem for warehousing and logistics

The RTLS module allows you to monitor the working efficiency of employees and other warehousing assets in real-time, across operational working space and prevent accidents. The collected data is written into a forgery-proof blockchain database.

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Car eService Book

Car eService Book: an automotive ecosystem for data tracking

Powered by blockchain, Car eService Book is a custom platform for tracking and collecting vehicle data, like service information, vehicle owner details, records from IoT sensors, driving behavior, and others, across vehicle producers, regional dealers, parts manufacturers, and service centers.

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Internet-of-crops platform: an IoT-based solution for tracing cereal supplies

Aetsoft implemented blockchain technology in Centaur AG’s Internet-of-Crops Platform, an agriculture logistics solution for tracking the provenance of crop supplies. Every asset in a supply chain is connected to IoT trackers and has a unique ID recorded on an immutable, hack-proof distributed ledger.

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Bchain: a DLT solution for smart logistics

Bchain is a blockchain platform that collects data about cargo capacity from connected IoT sensors in real-time, ensuring automated management of supply chains. It automatically verifies shipping transactions, timely notifying chain participants.

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Blockchain applications in supply chain

  • Proof-of-provenance

  • Detecting contamination

  • Secure transactions


Use case 1. Proof-of-provenance

Scheme scheme Scheme


Data fragmentation leads to inadequate provenance tracking in supply chains, where shoppers are unaware of the quality of products they purchase.

With blockchain

Blockchain keeps a permanent record of all parties involved in a supply chain, with the origins data transparently visible to consumers.

Improve with Blockchain
Detecting contamination

Use case 2. Detecting contamination

Scheme scheme Scheme


Insufficiently regulated nature of today’s supply chains makes room for contaminated foods paving their way to shop shelves — if not validated promptly.

With blockchain

Blockchain establishes a network where all supply chain parties verify food quality against mutually agreed quality standards from the moment of origination.

Improve with Blockchain
Secure transactions

Use case 3. Secure transactions

Scheme scheme Scheme


Deals between businesses and suppliers are usually not backed by compliance guarantees; parties might not pay in due time, or fail to fulfill payment commitments.

With blockchain

With blockchain-enabled smart contracts, supply chain partners can conduct deals without even trusting each other; code-dependent smart contracts will trigger actions strictly upon meeting agreed terms.

Improve with Blockchain