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in healthcare

Transform your healthcare services in a way that would allow for more efficient treatment by delivering immersive experiences across all the crucial applications, including staff training, clinical trials, therapy, education, telemedicine, and more. For you, we will create a meta site where users could collaborate in real-time within virtual spaces for higher operational efficiency and better servicing. Request your healthcare metaverse application now!

Let customers dive into the metaverse and experience shopping like never before by creating a meta site for retail! Mundane shopping becomes real entertainment when it gets virtual, with such metaverse retail use cases as immersive product explorations and try-ons, personalized purchase recommendations on the spot, public venues, and even reward events with NFTs!


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Cut onboarding times & rationalize costs with metaverse

Metaverse-enabled onboarding sessions forever change employee training and knowledge sharing! We offer a custom metaverse onboarding solution for your use case.

A real-life simulator for training med and (or) sales reps
Immersive data learning & interactive spaces
Online collaboration between users in virtual HCP rooms
Simulated conditions for physicians and nurses
Operating room spaces for learning and testing skills
Online examination by AI assistants

Metaverse healthcare for your business

Virtual hospitals

Arrange a hospital environment in virtual reality to augment physiotherapy and counseling services through computer vision to investigate patients’ injuries, damages, and recovery progress more efficiently.

Augmented surgery

Streamline surgeons’ training on surgical tools by arranging an immersive environment where complex procedures would be simulated with 3D representations of patients’ pathologies.

Immersive therapeutics

Make therapeutics of various applications, including support group sessions, rehabilitations, cognitive therapy, and others, more immersive by allowing patients to interact online in the designated meta spaces.

Remote research meetings

Get over persistent physical and geographical barriers in decentralized clinical trials by allowing researchers to meet in the metaverse via their avatars and exchange ideas and findings.

Immersive education

Make staff training, upskilling, and(or) onboarding more cost-efficient and productive by conducting those in virtual spaces that could simulate real-life scenarios and experiences.

Visualized radiology

Move past redundant 2D radiology visualization that only slows down diagnostics with immersive 3D visualization of medical images to enhance analytics and improve surgical planning.

Enhanced telemedicine

Provide a metaverse-based telehealth solution that would overcome the lack of responsible staff, tools, and technologies by using extended reality tools, to help you provide services such as diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, and others, remotely.

Simulation environments

Improve your online healthcare service with digital twin technology that allows for the creation of applicable models, such as patient and drug records, in the metaverse to correlate information in real-time and provide more personalized care.

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Discuss a project

Tell us about your metaverse healthcare project, and we’ll provide you with free consultation within one business day. Healthcare in metaverse is more than real now!

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How metaverse and healthcare industry work

We introduce you to Metaverse Rooms, a white-label solution for healthcare metaverse! With it, you can launch your own meta site and give users new, immersive experiences while encouraging them to interact more with your brand.

It all starts with a user creating their avatar; it can be done by uploading a real-life photo or selecting a randomly generated avatar.

Upon successful login to the metaverse, the user proceeds to a virtual lobby in a medical institution (pharmacy, hospital, healthcare facility, testing lab, nursing home, or another) of your choice.

At the lobby’s virtual reception, the user can pick the activities they’d like to engage in, be it a) a pharmacy to find the necessary medications, b) a consultation facility, c) a wellness center, d) a surgery room for intern training, e) or any other venue you’d request us to add.

Once the activity is chosen, the user enters the corresponding meta room where they can interact with the surroundings and other users.


Metaverse healthcare use cases

  • Remote physiotherapy

  • Augmented training

  • Immersive trials

Remote physiotherapy

Use case 1. Remote physiotherapy

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Traditional physiotherapy still lacks efficiency when it comes to dealing with patients who physically can’t get to radiology for the diagnostics of their injuries.

With metaverse

Thanks to digital twin technology, you can run diagnostics remotely by exploring digital replicas of patients’ bodies generated through image recognition and computer vision.

Improve with metaverse
Augmented training

Use case 2. Augmented training

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COVID and other restrictions complicate the mass training of medical specialists, forcing medical facilities to restrict the number of interns per training, which only prolongs internship; an unaffordable luxury for patients.

With metaverse

Conduct training online in metaverse-enabled, simulated environments where interns could gain real-life experiences by learning and practicing skills, even in surgical procedures, the same way they would do during offline training.

Improve with metaverse
Immersive trials

Use case 3. Immersive trials

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Medical trials remain a costly procedure and, sometimes, a non-relevant one at the time, with tested drugs ending up on pharmacy shelves months or even years after successful testing.

With metaverse

Ensure real-time drug testing on the spot by arranging it on the metaverse; in this way, a medical facility could make an application to the responsible testing lab based on patients’ urgent issues to conduct research on the ways of treatment.

Improve with metaverse