Blockchain applications in charity
Admin costs
Use case 1. Lowered administration costs

Marketing and fundraising expenses have a significant part in donations, making those more expensive than they could be for donors.
With blockchain
Provide a universal database where donors and recipients could meet, blockchain-powered, intermediary-free, low-cost, and cryptographically secure.
Use case 2. Cost-effective remittances

Cross-border giving is volatile in terms of expenses; the final cost of a donation deal depends on fees conditioned by the regulatory environment of a corresponding country.
With blockchain
Thanks to its distributed nature, blockchain has no geographical borders and isn’t tied to any region, meaning that you can donate funds overseas without extra fees.
Use case 3. Secure donations

Traditional giving processes between donors and recipients are fraud-susceptible; donations might go to the wrong hands or end up for the wrong cause.
With blockchain
Perform transactions through blockchain-powered digital wallets to prevent fund theft and trace the donation path to end recipients.