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Beware of life-threatening skin diseases

Skin diseases are widespread

Skin diseases are more frequent among men (72.3%) than women (58%)

Sunburns can cause melanoma

Having 5 or more sunburns doubles the risk of melanoma

Detect in time to survive

When detected early, the 5-year survival rate for melanoma
is 99%

Beware skin cancer

Skin cancer is the most spreaded type of cancer
in the U.S


Skin.ai: your personal dermatologist, available 24/7

Our AI-based mobile application checks your skin for the following diseases: skin cancer, precancerous lesions, benign formations, papilloma virus, and acne. Based on the skin photo you provide, it defines whether the treatment is required.

Skin.ai provides a free consultation on disturbing skin health issues!

Skin.ai is not a diagnostic tool and does not replace a visit to the doctor or the necessity of medical assistance.

Our app helps to quickly check skin health and get advice when it is necessary. If your skin’s condition disturbes you, we strongly recommend you to get medical assistance asap.

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Check your skin health right at home

Skin.ai alerts you on all potential skin diseases to know when it's time to visit a doctor. Keep control of your skin health with the right solution at hand.

App Store

How Skin.ai works

With a personal profile, you can easily monitor the health condition of the suspicious spots on your skin — and all in real-time! Start with creating one.

Take a photo of the suspected object on your skin or upload the one you already have to see its diagnosis. Is it time to see a doctor? Your call, depending on the severity of the case.

Have a disturbing spot that doesn’t need treatment, whatsoever? You don’t have to keep it in mind, just add the scan to the database to track its dynamics with new diagnostics.

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for your project?

Aetsoft is ready to deliver a solution according to your specifications. If you need additional support or business advice, we’ll give you our professional consultation.


Just planning to implement blockchain
for your business?

Just planning to implement blockchain?

From the idea to the end product — Aetsoft accompanies you at every stage of blockchain development, making the entire process smooth.

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White-label NFT Marketplace
White-label NFT Marketplace

White-label NFT Marketplace

A ready blockchain solution where artists, musicians, painters, and other creators can trade works as NFTs.

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NFT for sports
NFT for sports

NFT for sports

A market where sports amateurs and fans can trade cards, iconic moments, and other exclusive content as NFTs.

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NFT Loyalty Program
NFT Loyalty Program

NFT Loyalty Program

A solution for creating custom NFT-based loyalty programs to drive customers’ engagement and boost their loyalty.

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White-label STO Platform
White-label STO Platform

White-label STO Platform

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Crowdfunding Platform
Crowdfunding Platform

Crowdfunding Platform

A decentralized solution that brings together verified fundraisers and investors in a single network where investment decisions are made through majority consensus.

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NFT for gamers
NFT for gamers

NFT for gamers

An NFT Marketplace for trading game collectibles through a blockchain-powered auction-based system.

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NFT for real estate
NFT for real estate

NFT for real estate

A digital marketplace for physical and (or) virtual real estate where users can trade and fractionally own property and stake their assets as NFTs.

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NFT for art galleries
NFT for art galleries

NFT for art galleries

An NFT trading platform where art creators can tokenize their artworks by trading them as NFTs.

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An AI-based app for checking skin for cancer, precancerous lesions, papilloma, and other diseases.

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Digital Health Passport
Digital Health Passport

Digital Health Passport

A blockchain-based platform that keeps a record of disease tests in a single database.

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RPA Image Scanner
RPA Image Scanner

RPA Image Scanner

An AI solution that uses optical recognition algorithms to extract data from images.

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A blockchain IoT platform for tracking logistics supply chains from origination to distribution.

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A module of the OLWay ecosystem that monitors the movement of warehousing assets.

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Tonsillitis Detection App
Tonsillitis Detection App

Tonsillitis Detection App

A solution that detects tonsillitis symptoms and provides recommendations on treatment.

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Fall Detection App
Fall Detection App

Fall Detection App

An application for sending instant alerts on health-related incidents to specific users.

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An AI-powered Shopify plugin for finding apparel based on clothing items on look images.

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A blockchain solution for conducting and managing live events and online ticket sales.

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White-label NFT Marketplace
NFT for sports
NFT Loyalty Program
White-label STO Platform
Crowdfunding Platform
NFT for gamers
NFT for real estate
NFT for art galleries
Digital Health Passport
RPA Image Scanner
Tonsillitis Detection App
Fall Detection App