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Aetsoft has a proven track record of successful Hyperledger-powered projects developed for various industries and verticals. We work with the software that creates personalized blockchain services.

Build and run fast, scalable, and secure blockchain solutions, meeting your enterprise needs and strategic business goals, with Hyperledger development services from Aetsoft.

Build and run fast, scalable, and secure blockchain solutions, meeting your enterprise needs and strategic business goals, with Hyperledger development services from Aetsoft.


How can your business benefit from Hyperledger?

Hyperledger is an open-source blockchain framework with a modular architecture, allowing for the creation of custom blockchains and blockchain solutions.

Aetsoft has a rich portfolio of highly-demanded Hyperledger-based projects, including OLWay, RTLS, Digital Health Passport, and others. At your request, we will provide a solution, making the most of this blockchain framework.

open-source code
Private & confidential transactions

Next-generation Hyperledger solutions for your business


Build a decentralized dapp on any of the available Hyperledger frameworks to speed up and rationalize your workflows, with high security, transparency, and trust guaranteed.

Hyperledger smart contracts

Provide a reliable infrastructure for building and deploying dapps with Hyperledger-based smart contracts as chaincodes enabling fast and seamless development.

Custom Hyperledger infrastructures

Opt for a custom Hyperledger infrastructure for deploying dapps; at your request we will provide you with the suitable environment on any of Hyperledger frameworks available.

Hyperledger upgrades & migration

Upgrade or migrate the current Hyperledger infrastructure with a Hyperledger framework of your choosing! We perform migration without disrupting your business, ensuring zero downtime.

Crypto exchange integration

Build a crypto exchange where users could connect preferable funding methods, instantly trade with multiple tokens across various markets, and do a lot more.

Crypto wallet integration

Equip your application with a digital wallet for tokens, providing secure blockchain storage for users’ digital assets, FDIC-compliant asset insurance, and instant purchases and money swaps.

KYC integration

Add a custom KYC module to your Hyperledger application to build confidence in customer identity through identity and data verification and fraud detection.

Crypto & fiat integration

Provide automated payments (payables, collections, receivables, etc.) with a dedicated API, to unlock new revenue drivers.

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Discuss a project

Tell us about your Hyperledger blockchain project, and we will get back to you with a free consultation.

Get expert advice

How does the Hyperledger development process go?

Requirement analysis

Our technical specialists research the business requirements per project and define how its business logic should work with smart contracts. Based on the collected insights, a roadmap is created.

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Project design

Our BAs and PMs work on data flow diagrams while tech staff designs the technical architecture. When all the groundwork is ready, the team plans sprints, with quantitative goals per each.

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& release

The team builds and delivers the product, passing through all release stages: alpha release, beta release, release candidate, and finally production.

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Based on the clients’ feedback, we gather requirements for future updates and prioritize the backlog for the most important issues.

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Hyperledger frameworks we work with

  • Icon Hyperledger Fabric
  • Icon Hyperledger Sawtooth
  • Icon Hyperledger Aries
  • Icon Hyperledger Iroha
  • Icon Hyperledger Indy
  • Icon Hyperledger Besu

Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source platform for developing privacy-focused enterprise applications. It supports smart contracts, or “chaincodes”, written in public languages (Golang, JavaScript, Java, and others).

  • Modular design for connecting custom functionalities to the network
  • Permission network assigns individual roles based on the node type
  • Peer nodes can batch and process multiple transactions simultaneously
  • Membership identity service manages user IDs and validates members
  • Access control lists provide authorization for specific network operation
  • Both businesses and the network can customize consensus protocols

Hyperledger Sawtooth

Hyperledger Sawtooth is an enterprise blockchain platform for building applications for public and private blockchain networks. The architecture allows for multiple transaction and consensus types’ existence on the same network.

  • Modular structure for building networks with custom policy and rules
  • Separate permissions for different groups of network nodes
  • Advanced parallel scheduling for running transactions in parallel flows
  • Native business logic and smart contract-based VMs support
  • Event system for creating and broadcasting events on the network
  • Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET) consensus algorithm support

Hyperledger Aries

Hyperledger Aries is a dedicated infrastructure for blockchain-enabled, peer-to-peer interactions. It provides a shared cryptographic storage for blockchain clients and a communications protocol for off-ledger interactions between those clients.

  • A dedicated layer for creating, signing, and reading blockchain transactions
  • A secure cryptographic storage for verifiable credentials and other data
  • An encrypted, p2p messaging system for off-ledger interactions
  • Ready framework implementations (mobile wallet, verifiable credentials, etc.)
  • Continuous interoperability testing of agents and agent frameworks

Hyperledger Iroha

Hyperledger Iroha is a DLT-based blockchain framework for identity management. With YAC consensus algorithm support, it guarantees high network performance along with low waiting time for transaction completion.

  • System allows creating and managing custom fungible assets
  • Account classification depending on the domain where it registered
  • Data sharing (such as transactions and KYC procedures) across the network
  • Verification of user permissions to perform transactions and queries
  • Validation of transaction and query business rules within the system
  • For shared accounts, transaction multisig is required for execution

Hyperledger Indy

Hyperledger Indy allows creating self-sovereign digital identities on a blockchain, interoperable across siloed entities — domains, applications, and others. It provides users with full control over their ID data, including its storing and sharing.

  • Platform for user-managed exchange of verifiable claims about identifiers
  • Decentralized identifiers enable non-centralized, persistent digital identities
  • Sensitive data broadcasting through cryptography-backed p2p connections
  • Support for zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) preserving ID data leaks
  • Compatibility with third-party distributed ledgers and their standards
  • Dynamic detection of previously undefined claims through claim schemas

Hyperledger Besu

Hyperledger Besu is an open-source framework based on Ethereum. Designed to work with an Ethereum public network and private networks, it provides comprehensive permission functionality for consortium usage.

  • Smart contracts manage the permissioned network infrastructure
  • JSON-RPC calls ensure update permissions for authorized users
  • Updated IBFT consensus algorithm for faster transaction handling
  • On-chain markers for off-chain transactions prevent double spend
  • Possibility to set multi-company access to shared private data
  • Scalability ensured by top-tier Java, cloud, and Ethereum tools

Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source platform for private dapps. It supports smart contracts, or “chaincodes”, written in Golang, JavaScript, Java, and other languages.

  • Modular design for connecting custom plugins
  • Separate permissions for each node group
  • Transactions running in parallel flows
  • Management and validation of user IDs
  • Authorization requests for specific operations
  • Customizable consensus protocols

Hyperledger Sawtooth

Hyperledger Sawtooth is an enterprise blockchain platform for building public and private dapps. Multiple transaction and consensus types’ can exist on the same network.

  • Build networks with own policy and rules
  • Separate permissions for each node group
  • Parallel transaction scheduling and execution
  • Native BL and smart contract-based VMs support
  • Creating and broadcasting events on the network
  • Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET) consensus support

Hyperledger Aries

Hyperledger Aries is a dedicated infrastructure for blockchain-enabled, peer-to-peer interactions. It provides a shared cryptographic storage for blockchain clients and a communications protocol for off-ledger interactions between those clients.

  • A dedicated layer for creating, signing, and reading blockchain transactions
  • A secure cryptographic storage for verifiable credentials and other data
  • An encrypted, p2p messaging system for off-ledger interactions
  • Ready framework implementations (mobile wallet, verifiable credentials, etc.)
  • Continuous interoperability testing of agents and agent frameworks.

Hyperledger Iroha

Hyperledger Iroha is a DLT-based blockchain framework for identity management. It guarantees high performance and low waiting time for transaction completion.

  • Create and manage own fungible assets
  • Domain-based account classification
  • Data sharing across the network
  • Permissioned transactions and queries
  • Validation of transaction and query business rules
  • Transaction multisignature for shared accounts

Hyperledger Indy

Hyperledger Indy allows creating self-sovereign digital identities on a blockchain, interoperable across siloed entities — domains, applications, and others.

  • Manage the exchange of verifiable ID claims
  • Non-centralized, persistent digital identities
  • Cryptography-backed p2p connections
  • Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) support
  • Compatible with third-party distributed ledgers
  • Claim schemas dynamically detect undefined claims

Hyperledger Besu

Hyperledger Besu is an open-source framework based on Ethereum. It works with an Ethereum public network and private networks, providing permission tools for consortium usage.

  • Smart contract-based permissioned infrastructure
  • Update permissions are only for authorized users
  • IBFT 2.0 algorithm for faster transaction handling
  • Off-chain transactions are marked to prevent fraud
  • Multi-company access to shared private data
  • Works with top Java, cloud, and Ethereum tools

Hyperledger applications by industry

Hyperledger offers a broad scope of solutions, meeting persistent challenges for various industries worldwide. Below are the most important Hyperledger use cases.


Provide a single, self-maintaining database for sensitive patient records, with updates recorded in real time. Share data securely with selected network members in a permissioned ecosystem.



Build an IoT-based blockchain solution or integrate Hyperledger with a ready-constructed IoT platform for storing data from connected devices on a forgery-proof ledger.


Supply chain

Improve traceability and transparency across supply chains with real-time access to reliable and actual data at every point of transportation flow.

Supply chain

Real estate

Arrange a decentralized database where landlords could track land titles and record data about every transaction in a permission-based network, with confidential access guaranteed.

Real estate


Automate operations through Hyperledger-supported smart contracts, prevent counterfeits by ‘labeling’ goods to cryptographically secured IDs, eliminate data fragmentation in omnichannel.



Track vehicle ownership, collect and analyze insightful vehicle and driver data, and instantly detect faulty parts for more efficient maintenance by coupling Hyperledger solutions with IoT.


Identity management

Protect sensitive data with cryptography and appropriate consensus algorithms. Give users full control over their personal data usage and sharing.

Identity management


Safeguard your clients from liquidity risks, facilitate transactions and protect them from fraud, while you accelerate banking and settlement procedures.



Empower advertisers with blockchain functionality, guaranteeing more accurate performance analytics, fair compensation, and p2p interactions between advertisers and publishers.


Public sector

Revolutionize major aspects of the public sector with transparent voting, non-corruptible digital identities, and even automated service provision not requiring human involvement.

Public sector


Ensure human-independent execution and audit of contracts as well as other operations and store legal agreements and evidence documents on an immutable, privately-accessed ledger.



Contribute to a healthier environment by developing carbon asset applications and creating local systems that could reward waste plastic collection activities.

  • Icon Healthcare

    Provide a single, self-maintaining database for sensitive patient records, with updates recorded in real time. Share data securely with selected network members in a permissioned ecosystem.

  • Icon Internet-of-Things

    Build an IoT-based blockchain solution or integrate Hyperledger with a ready-constructed IoT platform for storing data from connected devices on a forgery-proof ledger.

  • Icon Supply chain

    Improve traceability and transparency across supply chains with real-time access to reliable and actual data at every point of transportation flow.

  • Icon Real estate

    Arrange a decentralized database where landlords could track land titles and record data about every transaction in a permission-based network, with confidential access guaranteed.

  • Icon Retail

    Automate operations through Hyperledger-supported smart contracts, prevent counterfeits by ‘labeling’ goods to cryptographically secured IDs, eliminate data fragmentation in omnichannel.

  • Icon Automotive

    Track vehicle ownership, collect and analyze insightful vehicle and driver data, and instantly detect faulty parts for more efficient maintenance by coupling Hyperledger solutions with IoT.

  • Icon Identity management

    Protect sensitive data with cryptography and appropriate consensus algorithms. Give users full control over their personal data usage and sharing.

  • Icon Finance

    Safeguard your clients from liquidity risks, facilitate transactions and protect them from fraud, while you accelerate banking and settlement procedures.

  • Icon Advertising

    Empower advertisers with blockchain functionality, guaranteeing more accurate performance analytics, fair compensation, and p2p interactions between advertisers and publishers.

  • Icon Public sector

    Revolutionize major aspects of the public sector with transparent voting, non-corruptible digital identities, and even automated service provision not requiring human involvement.

  • Icon Legal

    Ensure human-independent execution and audit of contracts as well as other operations and store legal agreements and evidence documents on an immutable, privately-accessed ledger.

  • Icon Environment

    Contribute to a healthier environment by developing carbon asset applications and creating local systems that could reward waste plastic collection activities.


Technologies we work with